What Kind of Fake, Fraud, And Phony Are You?

You might not believe this, but I spend a lot of time with “fakes, frauds, and phonies.”  

(I used quotes because no one has ever really been any of these things they just THINK they are. 

No, seriously, they do.) 

Daily, I am face-to-face with super high-achieving badasses who are spending more time looking over their shoulders waiting to be “found out” than living or leading boldly using all their strengths and gifts. 

My mission is to empower and coach each of these ‘self-doubting Thomasinas’ that are right on the cusp of their next level but can’t seem to get there.

Limiting beliefs have the power to keep us playing small, leading ineffectively, and barely making the impact we have the potential to make. 

So, what’s your type? 

No, I don’t mean tall, dark, and handsome. 

What’s your unique flavor of Imposter Syndrome? Because you’re likely one (or more) of these five types (or profiles). 

There’s a whole book on this, but I want to give you the skinny from my perspective based on my over 20 years working with “fakes, frauds, and phonies.”

Then, I promise I’m going to point you to the place where you can find out what type of Imposter you are because, Boss, you ain’t gonna fix nothin’ without knowing how this Syndrome is showing up in your beliefs and behaviors. 

First things first: the profiles (the cliff-notes version).  

While you read, be on the lookout for things that resonate with you. You know, the little voice that beats you over the head yelling, “THAT’S YOU!” 


The Perfectionist sets extremely high goals for themselves. So high that they are nearly impossible to achieve, which only sets them up for failure and leaves them then doubting their own capabilities. Self-sabotaging, right? What’s worse? In the event they do achieve something, rather than celebrate the achievement they find ways they could have done better. There is always a bar they are trying to reach but they never get there, leaving them unsatisfied with their accomplishments. 


The Superwoman shows up before everyone and stays after everyone, and sometimes skips lunch to get more done. They feel guilty about downtime and have a hard time stepping away from their email or phones, constantly checking and responding to messages. The Superwoman doesn’t believe they’ve earned their title regardless of their experience or degrees and so they feel they have to prove themselves to those around them. They do that by working harder than everyone else.

Natural Genius

The Natural Genius judges themselves on how easy something comes to them. Their competence is assessed based on speed instead of effort. They were told frequently throughout life how smart they were, so when a set back happens, they lose all confidence. The Natural Genius also tends to stay away from trying new things if they think it won’t come easy.

Soloist (or individualist)

The Soloist believes they have to do everything themselves and therefore, they don’t ask for help. They enjoy contributing and serving others, but are uncomfortable asking for assistance and support in return. They see it as a sign of weakness because they SHOULD be able to do everything themselves. If they ask for help, that is admitting they do not really know what they are doing.


The Expert is a perpetual student. They fear being exposed as unknowledgeable or inexperienced, so they are constantly seeking out training. They tend to study other people and try to emulate how they do things rather than find their own secret sauce. The Expert also avoids applying for or going after opportunities where they don’t meet every single requirement. 

All right now, to fulfill my promise about where you can go to learn your type. 


Not kidding. 

I’ve got a quiz for you. 

Can't call bullshit on your Imposter Syndrome without knowing what yours smells like.  

Take the quiz. 

Learn your type.

And be able to sniff it out before it takes over your neural pathways.

Head here and determine which type you are. 

I’m pretty certain that:

1) you’re super curious which profile is yours and 

2) you love a good quiz. 

I know I do. From what’s your spirit animal to which celebrity do you most look like? If I see a chance to take a quiz, I’m there. 

Just know that the fun doesn’t stop there. 

Understanding which profile you are is only one part of the solution to disrupting Imposter Syndrome. You also need to know your originating incident (the thing that made your brain go, “Who the hell do you think you are?” to begin with.) 

You can't figure that out on your own. I couldn’t. And I don’t know anyone else who has been able to either. 

In a nutshell - go, take the quiz. Get your results. Mull them over. Then book your call with me. Or start with a pre-recorded webinar and worksheet here

I’m giving you a lot of options, because I want to see you succeed. 

Pick one and get started. You cannot make the impact you want to make, live the life of your dreams, or lead boldly if you continue to believe you’re a fake, fraud, or phony. 

If you’re ready to quit thinking that way, I’m right here. 


Follow me here or connect with me here or on my blog to get more on Imposter Syndrome. Or enroll in the course,  "What if Imposter Syndrome is Really Your Superpower?" Really, the most important thing is for you to take the quiz


Where Did You Pick That Up?


The Quick And Dirty on The Syndrome Everyone Has