Are You Ready To Unleash Your Leadership Superpowers?

Everybody is a leader, AND everyone has barriers to their unique leadership expression that make them less effective or inspiring than they could be. On the surface the barriers can look like barking orders or micromanaging or barreling through people to get shit done. And it can result in the people they’re leading being disengaged, disempowered, and unproductive – among other things. 

I used to be a leader who used force to get things done back when I was running political campaigns. You’ve heard the Sinatra song I did it my way, yeah? Well that was pretty much my leadership style. You did it my way or you got out of my way because election day was drawing near and we had stuff to do! Not only was I forceful, I was a perfectionist to boot. My people liked the work, but they didn’t necessarily look forward to coming to work every day.

That was a loooonng time ago. It was before I discovered CliftonStrengths and strengths-based leadership. A time before I got my own personal coach to work with and uncover the beliefs that were shaping how I was showing up in both my personal and professional life. I discovered my Imposter Syndrome and how it was holding me back. Not just from my own aspirations but from my overall greatness and great leadership. 

It wasn’t that I was incapable of being a wonderful, inspiring, effective leader that people naturally wanted to follow. It was that I had barriers to that expression of leadership. I see this all the time with those I coach. 

They come to me and to talk about how lousy they feel. They wonder whether the decisions they are making are the right ones or are going to hurt someone. They doubt the ways they are leading their team. They’re frustrated by what looks like (and probably is) a lack of accountability or engagement or desire among their team members to perform well and have no idea how to fix it. And they’re exhausted. Period. 

Truly, when we start working together, they’re not sure they are the right person to lead their company. They don’t believe they were ‘born to be a leader.’ If you’re nodding your head in agreement thinking, “That’s me. I wasn’t born to be a leader.” I’m going to stop you right there. 

Leaders aren’t born. They’re made. Leadership is a muscle that can be strengthened. And if it’s a muscle that can be strengthened then that means leadership is a choice. A choice in what you believe as well as choice in how you interact and respond to the world around you, including your team. It’s a matter of commitment, which is entirely up to you. 

Now, the thing that I had to find out the long and hard way was that some of the very things barring my entry to the Super Leaders Club were also the very things that could make me a great leader.  See, inside our Imposter Syndrome lies the keys to what has made us successful up until now. Imposter Syndrome, despite popular belief, is not all bad. We have it for a reason and believe it or not, it’s actually done us some good. So the goal isn’t to overcome Imposter Syndrome but to wield it mightily. The trip-up is in not understanding how it came to be (which I call the originating incident) or being able to identify how it shows up for you in BOTH serving and un-serving ways. 

Somewhere inside all of that – the originating incident, the self-doubt, the limiting beliefs, and the behaviors that come with them – are also all the things you need to become a great leader and discover your unique leadership style. Because you have one. We all do. 

To find it, we have to do some heavy lifting. We have to move everything out of the way that has kept you stuck and dig underneath to find the originating incident. The thing that gave life to your Imposter Syndrome in the first place. This incident indicates how it shows up for you, specifically.  And once we know that, we can start to peel back its layers and start to understand how it has hurt you along the way, but also how it’s helped. 

Now don’t get carried away, or freak out, or become overly dramatic. The originating incident likely wasn’t traumatic or even all that extreme. More often than not, it’s this innocuous moment, like a parent making you feel embarrassed by a grade, or another kid choosing your friend over you on the playground. Regardless of how minor it may seem, it was actually a very big deal to you at that moment and left its mark. 

My superpower is helping you recognize your superpowers and how they live inside your Imposter Syndrome (as crazy as that may seem). When YOU finally get the first glimpse at your superpower you’re going to be freakin’ ecstatic. You’re going to want to unleash those gifts onto the world – which includes your team. 

And just like Glenda the Good Witch says to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz: “You’ve always had the power, my dear. You’ve had it all along!” I’m not kidding, here. The whole point of Dorothy’s journey was that everyone around her knew what was inside her, EXCEPT FOR HER. And “she had to learn it for herself.” I’m committed to making the world a place where people are home within themselves and KNOW the power that lives there (inside their bodies and minds). 

Moral of the story: let’s work together to reveal the leadership superpowers you’ve had all along!.

We’ll begin by identifying and disrupting the source of your particular flavor of Imposter Syndrome and turn it into our superpower. Then, you need to develop the art and practice of leading with the heart, letting go of perfectionism, and listening for the gold. All of which are other hallmarks of great leaders. I offer the container for you to practice showing up as the unique leader you already are in my Awaken Your Greatness Academy. 

Over four months, you’ll find your way to your signature leadership style that makes you a GREAT leader. The one that people will naturally want to follow. In the Academy you will redefine the life and business you want to lead with GREATNESS.

Instead of being forceful, you’ll be powerful. Instead of pushy, you’ll be empowering. Instead of cutthroat, you’ll lead with intention and love all at the same time. You will develop a leadership style that makes people want to go where you are going.  If you want to trust your instincts, make bold decisions, become the leader people will follow, and have more fun while you do it, you want to work with me inside my AYG Academy

You can become the leader you are made to be by understanding more of who you are, and the greatness you bring to the table. Are you ready for the flood of people that will want to follow you? Are you ready to lead your life and business with your superpowers? Are you ready to choose your commitment over the crap in your head?  Are you ready to be a great leader? 

Join me in my AYG Academy. Let’s get started. 


My Awaken Your Greatness Academy (now called Unleash Your Legacy Accountability Cohort) will teach you to trust your instincts, make bold choices, and develop your unique leadership style that makes people want to naturally follow you. You’ll also discover your values, beliefs, skills, and work toward the epic goals and big dreams you’ve had on the backburner. Ready to awaken your greatness and live and lead more authentically as yourself? Get the full details to the AYG Academy here. 

Not sure you’re ready to jump in all the way? Try dipping your toe in instead. My Awaken Your Greatness 30 Day Challenge is the perfect place to play and begin to develop the practice of leading with your heart, letting go of perfectionism, and listening for the gold. Three pillars to living and leading greatly. Get that info here.


Awaken Your Greatness, Your Leadership And Your Life


Are You Going To Choose Commitment Or The Crap In Your Head?